
SciREN’s Mission:

The Scientific Research and Education Network (SciREN) aims to connect local STEM researchers and educators to foster the dissemination of current research and ultimately enhance the science literacy of today’s youth.

For more information please see our About Us Page!

Educator FAQs

Why participate?

Annual SciREN networking events allow educators to obtain classroom-ready exercises that explore the cutting-edge work of local STEM researchers while meeting North Carolina Essential Standards and national standards. At SciREN networking events educators also learn about and connect with local STEM researchers who are willing to visit their classrooms. In addition, there is an opportunity to network with other local educators and earn continuing education credits.

Who can participate?

In short, anyone! K-12 teachers are the most common participants at SciREN networking events, but SciREN welcomes anyone who is interested!

Is there a fee to participate?

No, SciREN networking events are FREE for educators and researchers!

What can I expect from a SciREN networking event?

At the annual SciREN networking events, researchers are stationed at tables throughout the venue. The venue for the SciREN Coast networking events is the North Carolina Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores. The venue for the SciREN Triangle networking events is the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences in Raleigh. The SciREN Georgia events are held at the Sandy Creek Nature Center in Athens, GA. Educators circulate around the venue to receive and discuss the lesson plans that the researchers develop and share contact information to facilitate classroom visits and further communication between educators and researchers.

Can I get CEUs for attending a SciREN networking event?

Yes, teachers can receive 2.5 contact hours for attending a SciREN networking event. Most schools require 10 contact hours in order to receive 1.0 Continuing Education Unit (CEU). Teachers can receive the remaining 7.5 hours by using at least lesson plans from the networking event in their own classrooms and reporting back to us. Complete instructions on how to receive 1.0 CEU are available here.

How do I sign-up?

Soon you will be able to check out our Educator Registration page to see when events are scheduled and when you can register.

Interested in being a part of more than just our networking event?

Consider being a SciREN “Lead Teacher!” In addition to our networking events, SciREN also holds lesson plan workshops to help researchers translate their work into classroom-ready exercises that meet state and national standards. These workshops feature an educator panel and small group discussions with educators. The small group discussions gives researchers a chance to discuss their research and their lesson plan ideas and determine how their science fits into the classroom curriculum at different grade levels. Educator participants can also guide researchers to develop classroom materials that would be beneficial to their students. If you are interested please contact us by emailing